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Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Home> Countries> Africa> Angola

Country Name

Angola, and officially the Republic of Angola.


Angola is located in southwestern Africa. Angola is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north and east, Zambia to the east, and Botswana and Namibia to the south.



Reason for naming the country

The name Angola is derived from the word ngola, a title for kings used in the state of Ndongo during the early centuries.


The national flag of the present Republic of Angola was adopted after its independence from Portugal on 11 November 1975. The flag consists of two colors red and black and there is a gear, a sickle, and a yellow star, The flag of Angola contains the emblem of the political party that governs the country. The party's logo contains a yellow star, which is present on the current flag. The red symbolizes socialism, the black color symbolizes the continent of Africa. The sickle symbolizes agriculture and peasantry and is devoted to industry and stars to the Labor Party.


The official language is Portuguese, where the majority of the population speaks 80% of the population of Angola and is the second most widely spoken the English language. There are several other African languages, including Umbondo, Kimbundu, Kikungu, Chokwihu, and Ofampu. The Chukuya language is spoken by the people of Central Africa, divided between Angola, Congo, Kinshasa, and Zambia. Southern Mabondo, spoken by the Afambondo tribe in the mountains of central Angola, is a Bantu language (513 languages) and is widespread in Angola. The tribe of Ovimbundu, Angola's largest tribe, accounts for about a third of the country's population. The language of Mbondo or northern Mbondo is one of the most widely spoken languages in Angola, especially in the northwest, especially in Malange. It is spoken by nearly three million people.


Most of the population is Christian, 38% of Roman Catholic, 15% Protestant, and 25% Christian. There are also 47% practicing local religions and beliefs. There is a minority of Muslims estimated at 1%.


Angolan kwanza (AOA).

Time Zone

+01:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic.


The climate in southern Angola is almost dry, with the north experiencing a cold and dry season from May to October, followed by a hot and rainy season from November to April. The average temperature is higher in the northern part of the coast, which is closer to the Equator: in Cabinda, it reaches a maximum of 26 °C (79 °F) from February to April and a minimum of 21 °C (70 °F) in July; in Luanda, it's around 26 °C (79 °F) from February to April and around 20 °C (68 °F) in July and August. The best time to visit Angola in its entirety runs from mid-May to August, since it is the coolest and sunniest period.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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