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Famous Food in Andorra

Updated: May 23, 2021

Andorran traditional food is mainly Catalan, with some influences from the French and Spanish cuisine.

Here are the most famous dishes in Andorra

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Chicory Salad

This salad is made with wild chicory leaves, bacon, often snails, and nuts this salad is just one more expression of the nutrition-conscious Andorran culture.

It is usually served in the summertime as they love to eat something fresh and light.


It is known as Andorra’s national dish.

This dish is mainly served during the winter season and on holidays.

It is basically a special kind of soup that is made with cooked pasta, pulses, and different vegetables. It also features potatoes, cabbage, and white beans or chickpeas.

(Large pasta shells are also typically added)

The traditional Escudella contains different kinds of meat including sausages, chicken, meatballs, veal, and pork.

It is very popular all over the country and is found in all restaurants, almost every restaurant in Andorra offers its version of the meal, some of the more traditional, and some are very modernized.


Just like its neighbor France, Andorra loves snails.

Cargols are served as the main dish in Andorra.

There are various ways of cooking snails, the typical dish is "cargols a la lluna" in which the snails are oven cooked with salt, pepper, olive oil, and aioli sauce (a special garlic mayonnaise) or a paprika-infused vinaigrette.

There are another two versions of this dish is "cargols a la llauna amb tomata" in which the snails are roasted in chopped tomatoes, or the decadent cargols a la llauna Girona, where the snails are bathed in a creamy tomato sauce with garlic, bay leaves, and Andorran sausage.

Trucha a la Andorrana

As Andorra does not have a coastline so the seafood is not common there.

This dish contains a grilled fish usually trout or salmon wrapped in ham.

Drizzled with lemon and served with fresh vegetables, it makes for a truly satisfying and authentic taste of Andorra.


A delicious Andorran homemade sausage, which comes in a variety of forms.

It’s usually made of pork, spiced with salt, red or black pepper, usually served cold on a platter in a few varieties including white and black sausage and fuet, a dry-cured pork sausage—and eaten alongside pa amb tomaquet, this staple makes a delicious appetizer

It is usually served at the dinner time.

Pa Amb Tomaquet (Bread with Tomato)

Traditionally it is a side dish that is served beside every meal.

It is a toasted slice rubbed with a clove of garlic and tomato, and finally, top it off with a drizzle of olive oil and pinch of salt combined with cold cuts of meat or just on its own as a snack.


It is basically a traditional potato dish in Andorra.

Trinxat actually means shredded or chopped.

The main ingredients are mashed potatoes, leeks, cabbage the ingredients formed into a patty and then pan-fried with cubes of bacon or pork fat, or chopped pork that are.

Sometimes trinxat has been served topped with chicory leaves and a poached egg this is an ideal appetizer or side dish.

Cannelloni Andorrana

The Andorran version of cannelloni mixes minced lamb, pork, and chicken with a white béchamel sauce.

Fromage (Cheese)

Andorra is a famous place for producing a special kind of cheese that is used for various purposes.

Most of the cheese production is derived from goats, sheep, and cows.

The tangy cheese that is prepared from goat’s milk is really superb and is only available in Andorra.

Steak Tartare

It is a meat dish made from raw minced beef derived from France.

It is usually served with onions, capers, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, often presented to the diner separately, to be added for taste.

It is often served with a raw egg yolk on top of the dish.



Torrijas are slices of bread or buns soaked in milk or wine with honey and spices, then dipped in egg and then pan-fried.

After frying Torrijas roll in sugar.

Rich strawberry jam or ice cream is served on top.

It looks like French toast, but sweeter and more flavorful.

Crema Andorrana

Crema Andorrana looks like the famous French dessert crème brûlée.

The difference is that instead of the burned sugar top, they use some freshly whipped thick cream.

After that caramel sauce is placed on top.

Coca Massegada

Cocas are a snack or dessert that are eaten across Catalonia and Andorra.

It is a sweet or savory dish.

The traditional one is the sweet dish, eaten on special occasions.

It consists of a flat oval sweet bread topped with candied dried fruits and almonds.

Some versions also contain stripes of creamy custard.

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