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Updated: Sep 18, 2022

Country Name

Peru, or officially the Republic of Peru.


Peru is located in western South America.

It is bordered in the north by Ecuador and Colombia, in the east by Brazil,

in the southeast by Bolivia, in the south by Chile, and in the west by the Pacific Ocean.



Reason for Naming the country

Since the Conquest, historians have proposed or supported many etymological hypotheses. According to one of these hypotheses, the country's name may be derived from Bir, the name of a local monarch who resided near the Bay of San Miguel, Panama City, in the early 16th century.

When Spanish explorers reached their estates in 1522, they were the southernmost area of the New World known to Europeans.

As a result, when Francisco Pizarro explored the territories further south, they were known asBirú or Perú


The government of Peru adopted the flag of Peru on 25 February 1824 and modified it on 31 March 1950. The Peruvian flag is made up of three vertical stripes of red and white, with the Peruvian National Coat of Arms in the center of the white stripe.

The Red represents the blood that was spilled in the fight. White represents Purity and Peace. Peru also has a state flag that incorporates the shield from the national coat of arms in the middle of the flag. There is also another flag used in the nation that does not include the coat of arms.

Fact flag:

- The flag of Peru is similar to the flag of Canada. - The Peruvian flag is also known as the Bicolor Banner and the National Ensign.

- Flag Day is celebrated every June 7 this is the anniversary of the Battle of Arica.


Peru has many languages used, about 50 different and popular languages are spoken, and there are 72 dialects are considered.

The majority of these languages are indigenous, but the most common language is Spanish, which is considered the main language of the population speaks.

Spanish is followed by the country's indigenous languages, especially all types of Quechua and Aymara as well as the languages of the Amazon and the Peruvian Sign Language.

In urban areas of the country, especially the coastal region, most people are monolingual and only speak Spanish, while in many rural areas of the country, especially in the Amazon, multilingual populations are prevalent.


Peru’s constitution provides for freedom of religion.

More than four-fifths of Peruvians are Roman Catholic; Protestants, other Christians, and followers of traditional beliefs form small religious minorities.


Sol (PEN).

Time Zone

-05:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Unitary presidential republic.


Because of Peru's unique terrain, the weather varies by region.

If it's warm by the shore, it can be frigid in the highlands, and the weather in the forest can be altogether different.

Winter at the seaside lasts from June to September. During this time, the mountainous areas are frequently bright and pleasant during the day but have high humidity and dense mist in the winter and are freezing at night. This is tourism season, and most regions are best visited during this period.


Summer (April - October), when the days are sunny, the nights are cool, and there is little rain (the best time to visit), and Winter (November - March), when rain is regular and heavy.

The temperature can reach 24 °C during the day and -3 °C at night.

The jungle, like the highlands, has two distinct seasons: the rainy season (November to March), with heavy rainfall, and the relatively dry season (April to October) when it is best to visit.

Throughout the year, the humidity is quite high. Between May and August, there are a few "cold snaps" or "surazos" when the temperature drops to 8 °C - 12 °C.

The greatest time to visit the Andes and the Amazon is during the Southern Hemisphere winter (June to August) when the weather is chilly, gloomy, and foggy near the coast. The greatest season to enjoy pleasant and sunny weather along the coast and in Lima is from December to April, and the optimum time for swimming is from January to March.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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