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Burkina Faso

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

Home> Countries> Africa> Burkina Faso

Country Name

Burkina Faso.


It is a landlocked country in West Africa. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north and west; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo to the southeast; Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest.



Reason for naming the country

Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed "Burkina Faso" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. The words "Burkina" and "Faso" both stem from different languages spoken in the country: "Burkina" comes from Mossi and means "upright", showing how the people are proud of their integrity, while "Faso" comes from the Dioula language and means "fatherland" (literally, "father's house").


The Burkina Faso flag was adopted on August 4, 1984. The flag of Burkina Faso consists of two colors red and green, The middle of the Burkina Faso flag features a five-pointed yellow star, The red represents the revolution; the green represents the country's abundance of natural riches, the yellow star represents the guiding light of the revolution.


Burkina Faso is a multilingual country. French is Burkina Faso’s official language. French is the principal language of administrative, political, and judicial institutions, public services, and the press. It is the only language for laws, administration, and courts. The languages spoken natively in Burkina Faso were Mossi, Fula, Gourmanché, Bambara, Bissa, Bwamu, Dagara, San, Lobiri, Lyélé, Bobo and Sénoufo, Nuni, Dafing, Tamasheq, Kasséna, Gouin, Dogon, Songhai, and Gourounsi, Ko, Koussassé, Sembla, and Siamou, other national languages, other African languages.


Statistics on religion in Burkina Faso can be misleading because Islam and Christianity are often practiced in tandem with indigenous religious beliefs. About half of the population practices Islam and the majority of this group belong to the Sunni branch, while a small minority adheres to Shia Islam. The government estimated that 23.2% of the population are Christians 19% are Roman Catholics and 4.2% are members of Protestant denominations; 15.3% follow traditional indigenous beliefs such as the Dogon religion, have other religions, and have none


West African CFA franc (XOF).

Time Zone

-04:00 GMT.

Government Regime

A unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic


In Burkina Faso, the climate is tropical, with a rainy season in the summer months due to the African monsoon, and a dry season in winter. The temperatures in Burkina Faso are high throughout the year. In winter, the air is dry because of the prevalence of the northeast winds, and highs are around 30/32 °C in the north and 32/33 °C in the south, even in the coolest months, ie December and January, but sometimes they can be higher. Starting in February, the temperature begins to rise, and the heat becomes burning, the heat increases until April and May when reach normally 40/42 °C. Between July and September, when the monsoon shows its greatest effects, the temperature drops everywhere, with highs of about 28/32 °C, but high humidity makes the heat uncomfortable. In October and November, the heat starts to increase again where highs return to about 40 °C than in the south, where they remain around 35 °C. Burkina Faso, it's hot all year round; however, in winter, sometimes it can get a bit cold at night. The cold records are around 6/7 °C in the north and 10 °C in the south. The highest recorded temperatures are impressive, especially in the north, where they are around 47/48 °C, and have been recorded in April and May, while in the south they are around 42/44 °C, and have been recorded between February and April, and even in January in the extreme south, where the sun's rays in winter are stronger because of the proximity to the Equator.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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