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Updated: Sep 18, 2022

Home> Countries> Africa> Burundi

Country Name

Burundi, officially the Republic of Burundi.


It is a landlocked country in East Africa. It is bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and southeast, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west; Lake Tanganyika lies along its southwestern border.


Gitega (political),

Bujumbura (economic).

Reason for naming the country

Burundi's push for independence was influenced by the Rwandan Revolution and the accompanying instability and ethnic conflict that occurred there. As a result of the Rwandan Revolution, many Rwandan Tutsi refugees arrived in Burundi during the period from 1959 to 1961. The country claimed independence on 1 July 1962 and legally changed its name from Ruanda-Urundi to Burundi.


The Burundi flag was adopted on June 28, 1967. Burundi gained independence from Belgium on July 1, 1962. The Burundi flag features a white x cross that divides it into four parts. The left and right sides of the flag are green and the upper and lower parts are red. In the middle of the flag lies a white circle that has 3- six-point red stars with green borders inside. The three stars in the middle of the Burundi flag officially refer to the words in the national motto "Unité, Travail, Progrès" ("Unity, Work, Progress"). It also represents the three ethnic groups in Burundi - the Hutu, Tutsi, and the Twa. The red stands for the country's independence struggle. The green represents hope and the white stands for peace.


Burundi traditionally had two official languages: Kirundi and French.

Swahili, the language of trade, is widely spoken in Bujumbura, as is French.

In 2015, a new law was adopted making English the third official language of the country.


Most of the population is Christian Roman Catholics who represent the largest group in Burundi.

Protestant and Anglican practitioners constitute the remaining percentage. An estimated 5% of the population adheres to traditional indigenous religious beliefs.

Muslims constitute 2–5%, the majority of whom are Sunnis and live in urban areas.


Burundian franc (FBu) (BIF).

Time Zone

+02:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic.


In Burundi, the climate is mild to warm and varies according to altitude, while there is little seasonal variation in temperature. From June to August, is the dry season, in which cool breezes from the southeast blow, there is little rain, and the sun often shines. By mid-August, the temperature begins to rise, and in September and October, the highest values of the year are recorded. At the same time, however, the rains begin, which occur in the form of downpours or thunderstorms, and gradually lower the temperature, which returns to the values of the rest of the year, around 22/25 °C (72/77 °F) during the day on the plateau, and around 27/28 °C (81/82 °F) in the western lowlands. The best time to visit Burundi runs from June to August, since it is clearly the driest and sunniest time of the year. Anyway, in this season, it can sometimes be cool or even cold at night, with temperatures around 12 °C (54 °F) in Bujumbura and even below the plateau.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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