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Updated: Sep 30, 2022

Home> Countries> Asia> Jordan

Country Name

Jordan, or officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


It is an Arab country located in Western Asia, in the middle of the Middle East, on the east bank of the Jordan River, bordered to the east and south by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iraq to the northeast, Palestine to the west, and the Dead Sea on its western borders. It also overlooks the Gulf of Aqaba in the southwest, where the city of Aqaba overlooks the Red Sea, and this is the only seaport for Jordan.



Reason Of Naming

Jordan gets its name from the Jordan River. Jordan is made out of the words "Jordan" and "Dan." It is a plural of the names of the holy river's tributary, Jor (Banias), and its tributary, Dan (Ldan), hence the name is spelled Jordan and Yordan in certain languages. Over time, it became Jordan, and the Arabs called it Jordan The area neighboring the Jordan River from its source to its mouth on both sides was known as "Jordan" and "Palestine" alike.

Jordan means "difficulty and success," and it was thought that Jordan was one of Noah's sons. According to the Bible Dictionary, Jordan is a Hebrew name that means "descending," and it is the most significant river in Palestine. Jordan's Greek names are jordanem and Jordan, which indicate lowering or abyssal.

When King Abdullah bin Al Hussein formed the Jordanian Emirate, the nation was known as the Emirate of the Arab East, and the Emirate later became independent under the name Transjordan. After then, it was known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with the Kingdom referring to the country's monarchy and the Hashemite referring to the monarchs of Jordan descended from Hashem, the Prophet Muhammad's great-grandfather, peace and blessings be upon him.


The flag of Jordan was officially adopted on 16 April 1928.

The flag consists of horizontal black, white, and green stripes that are connected by a red chevron. The colors stand are the Pan-Arab Colors, the black color represents the Abbasid, the white color represents, Umayyad and the green color represents the Fatimid caliphates.

The red chevron is for the Hashemite dynasty and the Arab revolution.

Flag Facts

- The Jordanian flag & Palestinian flag are similar but the Palestinian flag doesn't have the star located in the red triangle in the Jordanian flag.


Arabic is the official language in Jordan, almost the entire population, including minority communities, speaks Arabic. It is used in most written documents and media. Most Jordanians natively speak one of the non-standard Arabic dialects known as Jordanian Arabic. There are three varieties of Arabic spoken in the country: urban, rural, and Bedouin Jordanian. English is widely spoken throughout the country and is used in commerce and banking, as well as a co-official status in the education sector; almost all university-level classes are held in English and almost all public schools teach English along with Standard Arabic. French is offered as an elective in many schools, mainly in the private sector. German is an increasingly popular language; it has been introduced on a larger scale since the establishment of the German-Jordanian University in 2005.


The vast majority of Jordan’s population adheres to Islam, which is the official religion of the country. Most of the Muslims in Jordan are Sunnis. Shiites comprise only a small percentage of the Muslim population in the country. Christianity is the biggest minority religion in Jordan most of the Christians are Greek Orthodox, and other Christian denominations in Jordan include Roman Catholicism, Coptic Orthodox, Protestantism, etc. There are a minority of Buddhists, Hindus, Judaism, and folk religions.


Jordanian dinar (JOD).

Time Zone

+03:00 GMT.

+02:00 GMT. (Daylight Saving Time)

Government Regime

Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy.


In Jordan, the climate is usually subtropical arid, with quite cold winters due to the altitude, and sunny summers, which are hot but partly tempered by the altitude as well. Summer, from May to September, is hot and dry, with temperatures averaging around 32 °C (90 °F) and sometimes exceeding 40 °C (104 °F) between July and August. The winter, lasting from November to March, is relatively cool, with temperatures averaging around 13 °C (55 °F). Winter also sees frequent showers and occasional snowfall in some western elevated areas. The best times to visit Jordan are spring and autumn, especially, the months of April, May, and October.

International Phone Code


Internet Code

.jo .الاردن

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