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Updated: Sep 16, 2022

Home> Countries> Africa> Seychelles

Country Name

Seychelles, officially the Republic of Seychelles.


Seychelles island is located in the Indian Ocean at the eastern edge of the Somali Sea. Other nearby island countries and territories include Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and the French territories of Mayotte and Réunion to the south; as well as the Maldives and Chagos Archipelago to the east.



The reason for naming the country

the Seychelles islands were named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Louis XV's Minister of Finance, in 1756 when the French set a Stone of Possession on the islands Mahé. Before then, it was a transit point for trade between Africa and Asia.


The flag of Seychelles was adopted on January 8, 1996.

The flag consists of five different colored stripes: blue, yellow, red, white, and green starting from one end and diverging towards the other end.

The oblique bands symbolize a dynamic new country moving into the future.

The blue represents the sky and the sea that surrounds Seychelles, the Yellow represents the sun which gives light and life, the red represents the people and their determination to work for the future in unity and love,

and the white band represents social justice and harmony, the green represents the land and natural environment.


French and English are official languages along with Seychellois Creole, which is primarily based on French.

Seychellois Creole is the most-spoken official language in Seychelles as a second language, followed by French and English.

Most business and official meetings are conducted in English and nearly all official websites are in English.

National Assembly business is conducted in Creole, but laws are passed and published in English.


Most Seychellois are Christians: most of them adhere to Roman Catholicism, and the other group adheres to Protestantism, (Anglican, Pentecostal Assembly, Seventh-Day Adventist, and other Protestants. Hinduism is the second-largest religion. There is also a small minority that adheres to Islam.


​Seychellois rupee (SCR).

Time Zone

+04:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Unitary presidential republic.


In Seychelles, the climate is tropical, and hot all year round. From November to March, there is a rainy and muggy season due to the northwest monsoon, while from June to September, when the southeast trade winds prevail, there is a dry and slightly cooler season.

The average daily temperature is around 26 °C (79 °F) in July and August, 27 °C (81 °F) in January, and 28 °C (82 °F) in March, April, and May, which are the warmest months.

However, the temperature varies little both between night and day and between seasons: it rarely exceeds 33 °C (91 °F) during the day or drops below 22 °C (72 °F) at night. The best time to visit Seychelles is from June to August.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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