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South Sudan

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Home> Countries> Africa> South Sudan

Country Name

South Sudan, officially known as the Republic of South Sudan


South Sudan is a landlocked country in East-Central Africa. It is bordered to the east by Ethiopia, to the north by Sudan, to the west by the Central African Republic, to the southwest by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south by Uganda, and to the southeast by Kenya.



Reason for Naming the country

The name is one of several toponyms sharing similar etymologies, ultimately meaning "land of the blacks" or similar meanings, in reference to the dark skin of the inhabitants.


The flag of South Sudan was adopted on July 9, 2005.

The flag is one of the youngest flags and older than the country itself, as the flag was adopted in 2005, while the country became independent in 2011.

The flag consists of three horizontal stripes in black, red, and green colors and a blue triangle on the left side of the flag with a yellow star inside the triangle, the stripes are separated by a thin white stripe.

The black color represents the Sudanese nation, the red color stands for the bloodshed during the war for freedom, the green color signifies the fertility of the local land, the blue represents the Nile river, and the yellow star represents the unity of the nations under South Sudan.

Originally, the flag was a symbol of the Sudanese People's Liberation Army and after the signing of the General Peace Agreement and termination of the second civil war, it has been adopted as a national flag.


The languages spoken in this country fall into three categories: official, indigenous, and non-indigenous languages.

English is the official language of South Sudan it is used by the Sudanese for official purposes such as business deals, government meetings, media, and in the education sector.

More than 60 indigenous languages are spoken in South Sudan, these languages are classified under different language families, the majority of which fall under the Nilo-Saharan language family.

However, other language families spoken in South Sudan include the Niger-Congo language, the Ubangi languages, the Banda group of languages, and the Dinka sociolinguistic language.

Most of the indigenous languages are now used as national languages. Hence, the national languages are Arabic, Luo, Dinka, Nuer, Murle, and Zande.

Dinka and Nuer are the languages with the greatest number of speakers in South Sudan.

The non-indigenous languages are not originally spoken by the inhabitants of South Sudan, but rather develop as a result of interactions with foreigners.

These languages are the Chadian Arabic language, Jubas Arabic (spoken in the capital juba), which is an Arabic pidgin, Modern Standard Arabic, or Sudanese Arabic.


Religions followed by the South Sudanese include traditional indigenous religions, Christianity and Islam.

The majority maintain traditional indigenous sometimes referred to as animist beliefs with those followed by Christianity and a minority of Muslims.


​South Sudanese pound (SSP).

Time Zone

+03:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Federal presidential constitutional republic.


In South Sudan, the climate is tropical, hot all year round, with a hot, dry winter (which may be considered the real summer) and a rainy summer, which is a bit less hot than winter but it's more humid.

So it's hard to find the best time to visit South Sudan since the hot winter is followed by a rainy summer. However, given the risk of flooding in large areas in the period of the summer rains, you can choose the winter, and in particular, the months of December and January.

The weather is sunny, but it is hot during the day, while at night, it can sometimes be a bit cold. Between February and April, the heat increases even more, and becomes really intense, except in the southwest and in the mountains.

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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