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Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Country Name

Venezuela, officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America.

It consists of a continental landmass and many small islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea. It is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Colombia, Brazil by the south, Trinidad and Tobago to the northeast, and to the east by Guyana.



Reason for Naming the country

According to the most popular and accepted version, in 1499, an expedition led by Alonso de Ojeda visited the Venezuelan coast.

The stilt houses in the area of Lake Maracaibo reminded the Italian navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, of the city of Venice, Italy, so he named the region Veneziola, or "Little Venice".


The current flag of Venezuela was adopted in 2006. The original flag was adopted in 1811.

The flag of Venezuela consists of three equal-sized horizontal stripes.

The top stripe is yellow, the middle is blue, and the bottom stripe is red.

In the middle of the blue stripe, there are 8 white five-pointed stars that are arranged in a semi-circle.

In the top left-hand corner, there is the country's coat of arms.

The Yellow color Represents the wealth of the soil, the nation’s riches, agriculture, and the traits of harmony and justice, as well as the Sun, the source of Light, The Blue color represents the Sea of the Caribbean that surrounds the country, as well as the Atlantic Ocean, The Red color represents the spilled blood in the battle of independence from Spain.

These stars represent the provinces of Barcelona, Cumana, Caracas,

Barinas, Merida, Margarita, Trujillo, and Guayana.

There is a variant flag that includes the country’s coat of arms.

Flag Facts:

- The flag of Venezuela has the same color as the flag of Colombia & the flag of Ecuador.

- Venezuela celebrates its Flag Day on August 3. Prior to 2006, Flag Day was celebrated on March 12.

- Public institutions are to fly the Venezuelan flag from 7 AM until 6 PM.

- There are no regulations that outline the dimensions of the flag or any type of protocol.

- It is part of the Venezuelan culture to play the national anthem and to stand still and straight while the flag is being raised.

- The Venezuelan flag has its own national anthem, known as Himno de la Bandera.

- There is also a student oath written for the flag that students recite on Flag Day.


Spanish is the most popularly spoken language in Venezuela, although approximately 40 different languages are spoken throughout the country.

The most widely spoken indigenous languages are Wayuu, Warao, Piaroa, Yanomami, Kahlihna, Manduhuaca, Panaré, Pemón, Guahibo, and Nhengtu. Most of these languages originated in the languages of the Caribs, the Arawaks, and the Chibcha.

As more indigenous people move to the cities, many of their languages are becoming extinct. Languages such as Sapé and Mapoyo have five or fewer speakers.

Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, and English are the most common foreign languages spoken in Venezuela.


Venezuela does not have an official religion.

Christianity is the largest religion in Venezuela, with Roman Catholicism having the most adherents. The influence of the Catholic Church was introduced during its colonization by Spain.

There are small but influential Muslim, Buddhist, and Jewish communities.


Bolívar Soberano.

Time Zone

-04:00 GMT.

Government Regime

Venezuela is a federal presidential republic.


In Venezuela, the climate is hot all year round, at least at low altitudes, so the main differences are to be found in the seasonal rain pattern: there is a dry season which usually runs from mid-December to mid-April, and a rainy season usually, from late April to mid-November. The rainy season is hot and unpleasant.

However, the hugeness of the territory and the presence of mountain ranges and hills make the situation more complicated, so the climate is more or less rainy depending on the area and more or less warm depending on altitude.

Venezuela is located just north of the Equator, so temperature changes are limited

International Phone Code


Internet Code


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